Setting clear goals: - Have clear goals - Design plans that will get you around them (when you have a good plan, it is easier to execute it). The solution remains always the same; invest in good businesses that will do well and deliver good business returns no matter what happens and also, whatever happens, the businesses will be still in business. Focus on risk and leave the upside to the positive tailwind humanity creates. A crash is not what we should fear, fearing a crash is irrational because it increases your long-term investing returns. Actually, a crash is something that should be welcomed. Get rich slowly is the key. After all, whether a stock is a small-cap, large-cap, medium cap, Russian, Brazilian, American, or German, mining copper, selling tires, software, or having an online platform, it doesn’t really matter from an investing perspective. What matters is the quality of the business, its moat, the margin of safety, cash flow generation, scalability, the manage...
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