ISTQB - Foundation Level Agile Tester Recap This is a summary that will help you to approve the Agile Tester certification test. 1 - Agile Software Development 1.1 - The fundamentals of Agile Software Development The Agile Manifesto has 4 values : - Individuals and interactions over processes and tools (people-centered) - Working software over big documentations (time to market advantage) - Customer collaboration over contract negotiation (customer requirements) - Responding to change over following plan (change is more important) The Agile Manifesto has 12 principles : - Satisfy the customer with continuous delivery - Changing requirements - Deliver software frequently (few weeks or months) - Business people and developer must work together - Build projects around motivated individuals - Face to face conversation - Working software is the primary measure of progress - The team should maintain a constant pace indefinitely - Technical excellence and good design ...
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