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RasPI Assistant: Google Assistant + Dialogflow + Raspberry Pi

Would you like to control the TV using your voice without spend a lot of money? ... Amazing right?. So, in this post, I will teach you how to do that and more. Some of my dreams always have been control things without touch them, for example: the television, due to tired to raise the hand to change the channel. So ... let's create a device that can do this action automatically. What things will we need? First, I should understand the problem and be aware about it. For example: if we want to control a TV that is not smart, how will we do that? ... a possibility is to send infrared signals (IR) to transmit the events that the person's desire. Also, if I want that the device can hear me, I may need a microphone. Additionally, it should have a speaker to talk with the people. Further, I will need a database to save all the information, APIs that can help me with the smart logic and cheap electronic components like a Raspberry Pi , resistors, leds, wires an...
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Basic stuff to know about Blockchain and Smart Contracts in Ethereum

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ISTQB - Foundation Level Agile Tester Recap

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Testing the software accessibility

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Stock Market Investing

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